Holroyd School

Maximum potential

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NDIS-funded support at school

NDIS-funded support at Holroyd School.

Holroyd School's core business is teaching and learning. We are committed to the creation of a safe and supportive environment for all.

This means, whilst we personalise learning and support for every student, students should access therapy, and other support services, outside school hours - our classrooms are not a context in which therapy occurs.

The process of personalising learning and support for students includes personalised planning.

Personalised planning involves school staff, students (where appropriate), parents/carers and other professionals (where needed) working and learning together to identify individual needs and the adjustments and supports the school will provide to meet them.

Personalised planning focuses on:

  • your child’s strengths, interests and areas of need 
  • what personalised learning and support for your child might look like
  • specific learning adjustments that could be made to support your child, for example to the curriculum, to learning resources, to the way the curriculum is taught, assessment,or your child’s classroom environment.

Before these meetings, you might find it helpful to think about how you see your child's future at school and their life after school. Your child’s plan should be helping them work towards these goals.

You can also suggest any support groups or external providers who may be able to support you or your child.

If you believe a meeting between the school and a service provider will assist the school to personalise learning and support for your child, please complete and submit the following form:

If a student's plan includes the provision of direct support at school, the service provider must clear a screening process beforehand.

Service providers initiate the screening process by completing the following documentation and emailing it to: holroyd-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au

1.    Declaration for Child-related Workers


2.    Primary Photo Identification - Colour copy, scanned email e.g., Drivers Licence, Passport, Photo Age Card.  Please bring originals with you on your first appointment.

3.    Secondary Identification - Colour copy, scanned email i.e. Medicare Card, Bank Card, Birth Certificate.  Please bring originals with you on your first appointment.

4.    Working with Children Check Certificate

5.    Anaphylaxis and other relevant training certificates [if applicable].

6.    Child Protection CertificateExternal staff or workers can register to obtain a user name and password to access training on mypl.


7.    Worker’s compensation insurance

8.    Professional indemnity insurance

9.   Public liability insurance

10.  DoE Service Agreement.